The role of B-ultrasound in the examination of sheep liver parasites
Various parasitic diseases seriously endanger the health of sheep. Most parasites directly damage the sheep's body by robbing the sheep's body of nutrients, sucking blood, destroying its tissues and organs to produce toxins, etc., causing the ewes to be weak and secondary to miscarriage. Parasitic diseases that directly cause sheep miscarriage are rare. Here we focus on sheep miscarriage caused by protozoa. Most sheep parasitic diseases will cause liver lesions, so it is very meaningful to exclude parasitic diseases by using sheep B-ultrasound to check the liver.
Sheep toxoplasmosis is a protozoan disease caused by Toxoplasma parasitic in the tissues and cells of livestock such as cattle and sheep. When Toxoplasma infects animals, it invades the nerves, muscles and reticuloendothelial system cells and proliferates rapidly. At this time, the sheep's body temperature rises to above 40 ℃, breathing difficulties, conjunctival congestion, movement disorders, extreme mental excitement, and then turns into a coma, often with bloody stools. Ewe miscarriage is mostly stillbirth. Sheep B-ultrasound can check the reproductive system of the ewe. When some lambs survive, they show temporary fever and difficulty breathing, but they can survive. Autopsy shows multiple, exudative, necrotizing granulomas, which are more common in the lungs and nervous system. Pneumonia, pleural effusion, lymphadenitis, intestinal ulcers, necrosis, etc. can also be seen. Similar changes can also be seen on the uterine wall of animals. Focal necrosis of dead lambs is often seen in organs such as brain tissue, liver and lungs. The laboratory can use solid organs, blood, ascites, and lymph node smears, Giemsa staining, and a large number of trophozoites can be seen under the microscope. Preventive diagnosis can also be performed by using sheep B-ultrasound to examine the changes in these parts.
Prevention and control: Prevent livestock from contacting cats and other felines, and avoid them from contaminating livestock feed and water sources. Thoroughly disinfect, burn and bury the carcasses, excrement and pollutants of sick animals. Long-term use of sulfonamides for prevention and treatment has good results, and sheep B-ultrasound should be used to regularly check the status of various organs.
tags: B-ultrasound