The fattening technology of OPU live egg collection instrument for high-end beef cattle
The high-end beef cattle fattening technology has been promoted in China, and the OPU live egg collection device will change the situation of importing high-end beef patties required by high-end hotels and restaurants in China. Key points of fattening techniques:
① Choose suitable varieties. Generally, purebred beef cattle, hybrid cattle, and domestic excellent breed cattle are preferred, and the quality of fattening and weight gain fast meat is also good.
② Strictly control age. Young cattle weaned at 6-7 months of age with a weight of 180-200 kilograms are suitable for fattening until they reach the exit standard for slaughter at 14-18 months of age. Cattle over 30 months old cannot produce high-end beef.
Imported OPU live egg retrieval device
③ Appropriate fattening period and slaughter weight. Cattle producing high-end beef should not have a short fattening period, usually 7-10 months, and the live weight of the slaughtered cattle should reach 400-500 kilograms or more. The OPU live egg retrieval system found that without such a fattening period and live weight, the beef could not reach the excellent or regular selection level. So both age and a certain weight for slaughter should be required, both of which are indispensable.
④ The OPU live egg retrieval instrument recommends a nutrient rich diet. High end beef fattening requires the use of a high nutrient balanced diet and young cattle fattening methods, and it is difficult to produce high-end beef with coarse feed as the main source. Due to the use of roughage as the main feed for fattening, the nutritional level of the diet is low. In addition to prolonging the fattening period, the amount of fat deposition is small, and even body fat is used as energy to maintain life. The pattern of fat deposition in cattle follows the sequence of heart, kidney, pelvic subcutaneous tissue, and muscle. Only a high nutrient balanced diet can achieve high-end beef standards for body fat thickness and muscle marble patterns.
⑤ Color of body fat. High end beef cattle require white breast fat, while beef cattle fed through general fattening methods have yellow body fat. The OPU live egg retrieval instrument found that the main cause of yellow fat is the high content of lutein in roughage, which has strong adhesion with fat. There are currently two main methods for controlling yellow fat: one is to control the amount of roughage in the diet; The second is to apply feed thermal spraying technology to destroy lutein.
tags: OPU OPU live egg